Accredited Sunsmart Centre
Sunsmart Policy, Policy Number Q.A 2.

Sunsmart Policy
Link To National Quality Standard Q.A 2.1.1
To ensure that all children are protected from the harmful effects of the sun throughout the whole year and to educate the children and their families about Sun Safety.
Queensland has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. Two out of every three Queenslanders will get some form of skin cancer in their lifetime.
Research suggests that at least two-thirds of all melanomas occurring in Australia could be prevented if children were protected from the sun during their first fifteen years. Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) levels are highest during the hours that children are at the Centre. As children will spend a portion of their day outdoors, we need to protect them from the harmful effects of the sun.
GOAL: To protect all children’s bodies from the harmful effects of the sun throughout the whole year.
The Approved Provider / Nominated Supervisor / Responsible Person will:
Ensure that this policy is implemented throughout the entire year including winter.
Provide families with a copy of this policy via Educa.
Ensure that adequate shade is provided in the form of shelters, trees or shade cloths.
Provide spare hats (wide brimmed or legionnaire) for children and educators and ensure these are washed after each use.
Provide SPF 30+ broad spectrum, water resistant sunscreen for children and educators use.
Encourage educators, students and visitors to act as role models for children in all aspects of sun safety e.g. Hat (wide brimmed or legionnaire), SPF 30+ broad spectrum, water resistant sunscreen and appropriate clothing such as shirts with collar and sleeves, longer skirts and shorts of a darker colour. (This complies with our uniform standards)
Educators will:
Encourage children to play in shaded/under covered or inside areas between 10.00am and 3.00pm.
Will role model good hydration habits by consuming plenty of fluids and encouraging children to do the same
Ensure that wide brimmed or legionnaire hats are worn at all times when outside by both children, students and volunteers.
Encourage the use of UV rated tops when having outdoor water play
The use of wrap-around sunglasses that meet Australian Standard AS/NZS 1067:2003 is encouraged for both children, students and volunteers.
Ensure that babies are exposed to the sun for only short periods of time.
Ensure that SPF 30+ broad spectrum, water resistant sunscreen is available at all times and is applied twice daily or as required.
Apply SPF 30+ broad spectrum, water resistant sunscreen to children after rest time and/or 20 minutes prior to going outside.
Reapply SPF 30+ broad spectrum, water resistant sunscreen after water play and towelling off.
Ensure that parents requests for sunscreen application on the enrolment forms are followed.
Supervise children’s routine application of sunscreen.
Encourage children to wear, and parents to dress and provide appropriate clothing for sun protection when outside, such as shirt/dresses with sleeves and collar, longer style dresses and shorts of a darker colour and a collar weave fabric, while taking into consideration children’s personal and cultural dressing preferences.
The Parents will:
Apply SPF 30+ broad spectrum, water resistant sunscreen to their child upon arrival at the centre, unless applied prior to arrival.
Provide a well-fitting wide brimmed or legionnaire hat for their child, with their child’s name on it.
Ensure they include clothing which provides adequate protection from the sun such as sleeved and collared shirts and dresses, longer style shorts and skirts of a darker colour and close weave fabric.
Act as a positive role model by practicing sun safety behaviour.
GOAL: To provide ongoing education that promotes personal responsibility for skin cancer prevention and early detection.
Sun Safety information will be available to parents and educators.
Educators are encouraged to access the daily SunSmart UV Alert at or the weather section of the newspaper to find out daily sun protection times to assist with the implementation of this policy
Sun Safety activities/experiences will be included in the children’s program
Posters reflecting sound sun safety will be displayed regularly.
The Sun Smart Policy Guidelines in the Early Childhood Settings are available for all educators and parents to access daily.
Other Policies
Child Protection Policy
Ensure a safe environment Policy
Workplace Health and Safety
Sources and further reading:
Cancer Council Queensland; Retrieved from,